Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Death Panel Has Made Its Decision

So sorry. Letting you live would cost too much.

Caesar Says What?


  1. You must be aware that this is exactly how insurance companies behave under our system. Numerous families have told the very same story over here. Please tell me you're not unaware of this.

  2. @wally: I'm aware that the insurance companies do the same thing, yes. Are you aware that, between US insurance companies and Medicare, more claims are denied by Medicare than are denied by insurance companies? That's what I've read, anyway, although I don't have a link immediately available to support it. And wasn't the selling point of Obamacare that we wouldn't have to put up with denial of such claims? Wsn't the idea of death panels immediately dismissed when Sarah Palin first made that accusation? If there is no substantial difference between insurance companies' death panels and government death panels, why should Americans surrender their freedom to choose to the government?

  3. The assumption here is that Obamacare is already completely in place--I know that's not the case, but I don't know whether any changes to Medicare claims is affected yet. I do know that "denial of claims" does not equal "death panels".

  4. @wally: so in the present case in the UK, you don't view the situation as a de facto death panel, even if it isn't a death panel de jure? I'd think that most reasonable people, seeing a government agency deny a medical treatment which resulted in the death of the patient, would consider it to be a death panel.

  5. Nope, never said that. I do think the UK example comes as close as I've seen to a bona fide "death panel". My point was, if that's what it is, then we already have "death panels" in the US, and they're run by the insurance companies.

  6. @wally: so I take it, then, that were you offered a choice, you'd rather die by the decision of a heartless government bureaucrat than through the decision of a clerk in a filthy capitalist corporation?

  7. Six of one, etc. But you haven't demonstrated that I would be presented with such a choice. The notion that I would "die by the decision of a heartless government bureaucrat" is just Obamascare.

  8. @wally: so you won't be satisfied until you place your hands in the wounds, Thomas?

  9. Before I'd believe the critical readings of Sarah Palin, yes.


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