Friday, June 25, 2010

Drudge Takes A Scalp, Counts Coup

The scalp of Washington Post reporter David Weigel, that is:

More here and here.

It's rather like trusting Helen Thomas to cover Israel; you know she's capable of doing it, but you have to question her objectivity.

update: Ezra Klein, who started the listserv Journolist in which Weigel made his email comments, writes on the controversy here.

more: NPR characterizes Weigel as a "conservative blogger," which is part of the problem in this story: Weigel is no such creature. I've been reading descriptions of him varying from conservative to liberal to libertarian with progressive leanings. He's what most people would view as a liberal, and to mis-characterize him as a conservative is the same mistake that the Washington Post made when they hired him.


  1. Not a mistake, a fraud. WaPo tried to lull conservatives into thinking that Weigel is one of them, but he isn't. Someone did a little research and then posted the result.

    WaPo could respond by finding a true conservative voice for it's blog, but is more likely to give up on the idea entirely.

  2. Remain ever vigilant, conservatives! We sneaky underhanded liberals are going to lull you into a false sense of security and then fluoridate your water and teach your children evolution! Henh henh!

  3. It's not spelled "conservative blogger". It's spelled "douchebag blogger".


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