Thursday, June 03, 2010

Maybe Those Islands Won't Sink After All

You know which islands I'm talking about, those low-lying islands that will sink beneath the sea as global warming causes sea levels to rise?

Turns out that the islands respond to rising sea levels by growing.

Hoodah thunkit?

Not climate scientists, apparently...


  1. Yay! Only 15% of them are sinking! We can handle that easy! Collateral damage and whatnot. The great global warming hoax is finally exposed for good. What's on teevee?

  2. @wally: You mistake my intent. I posted because it shows that scientific predictions have to be changed as the circumstances and evidence change, and as more research is done. Nothing in the story or post is arguing against your beloved global warming science, only that some of the predictions might have to be reconsidered. 85% won't sink should be cause for celebration anywhere, you instead focus on the 15% that might. For a person in the so-called reality-based community, you certainly do cling to your dogmas as tenaciously as any religious fanatic might.

  3. The article says 4 out of 27 islands ARE sinking. I said they ARE sinking. You changed that to MIGHT, and even added italics for effect. Who's reality-based here?

  4. More importantly, while you claim your intent is merely to state that science changes its predictions based on new data, which everyone pretty much knows, your post implies that scientists wouldn't have "thunk it." Perhaps your intent was something more than showing us how science works?

  5. @wally: as a Navy vet, I can assure you that there is a big difference between sinking and sunk. Don't presume that the one guarantees the other.

    The "hoodah thunkit" crack was toward those scientists in this debate who have caused many of the problems they're now facing with their arrogance and hubris. I'm on record as disliking their lack of humility.

  6. Evidently some are sinking to the point that towns have been evacuated. Your sinking/sunk parsing will be small comfort to them, I imagine.

    Unless you believe that an entire branch of science has been mysteriously stricken with hubris, your "hoodah thunkit" crack is misleading. It's entirely possible that you do believe it, though. If the right can embrace intelligent design, they can embrace anything.

  7. @wally: I was thinking specifically of those scientists in the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, Walt. Don't assume I was painting all climate scientists with the same broad brush.

  8. Jeez, Robert, read your post again!

  9. @wally: for fuck's sake, do I have to be as precise in my language as an Oxford Don to satisfy you? What about spirit vs. letter of the law, and all that? And by the way, Curt commented on the cheese rolling thread.

  10. Yeah, screw that elitist precision.

    Seriously, though, many conservatives give me the impression they think the whole field of climate science is hopelessly corrupt. I think a little precision is called for here.


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