Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm Still Here.

Spent Saturday watching Hurricane Irene coverage on various news channels. The Weather Channel, of course, had the best "storm porn" available. I guess the people they hire to make reports from hurricane landfall sites must have contract stipulations requiring that they make fools of themselves capering about in the surf, being buffetted by wind and rain; this will probably continue until one of them is either killed by debris or blown into the surf and drowned.

Update: My blog title might be misleading. Charlotte was not in the storm's path and I was in no danger from it. I only titled the post "I'm Still Here" because I missed posting on Saturday.


  1. @Rev. Paul: Charlotte wasn't in the storm's path. We had a bit of breeze today, but no rain. My hat got blown off my head a couple of times when I went out to lunch, though.


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