Friday, September 02, 2011

You Keep On Using That Word.

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Employment in the U.S. unexpectedly stagnated in August and the jobless rate held at 9.1 percent as American employers became less confident in the strength of the recovery.

Many bloggers and pundits on the Right have pointed out how often economic bad news is described as "unexpectedly" so since Barack Obama became President. Glenn Reynolds even collected dozens of examples, if memory serves. Must be nice having 90% of the media in your corner.

h/t Jammie Wearing Fool.

1 comment:

  1. Unpecedented!..A truly Historic achievement..Unsustainable however...Don't you love the "Newspeak" from the Left. We have a "Federal Family" now you know.


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