Friday, October 07, 2011

Martin Sheen On the Strange Road To Santiago

A fascinating interview with actor Martin Sheen, who is featured in the new film The Way, which documents travelers on the old Catholic pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella in northern Spain.

A marvelous interview, conducted by the most intelligent of the conservative talk-radio hosts, Hugh Hewitt. I hadn't realized that Sheen is a devout Roman Catholic. Hewitt allows Sheen the opportunity to apologize to George W. Bush for the insensitive "white-knuckled drunk" comment that Sheen made during Bush's term of office, and Sheen graciously does so.

I have to say that, having lived in Spain and being interested in the Way of St. James myself through books such as James Michener's Iberia and Paulo Coelho's The Pilgrimage, I might actually be tempted to see this movie, although I indicated in a very recent post that I'm not incline to reward actors whose politics I dislike with my entertainment dollars. Maybe I'll make this movie an exception.

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