Saturday, October 01, 2011

More On Samir Khan...

...Charlotte's own erstwhile resident and the latest recipient of the Hellfire Kiss of Death:

On Friday, at the Charlotte mosque where he used to attend weekly prayers, worshippers talked of Samir Khan's violent end only as the last to leave started heading for the parking lot.

A circle of friends gathered around Khan's younger brother, Usman, who got a final hug before declining a reporter's request for an interview and climbing into his car.

Khan spent his early years in New York, but moved to Charlotte with his family in 2004.

After moving to Yemen, apparently two or three years ago, he began producing "Inspire," an English-language magazine for al-Qaida.

In an early edition, Khan wrote, "I am proud to be a traitor to America."

Enjoy your virgins, Sammy.

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