Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh, It's ON Now, Beyotch!

Paula Deen vs. Michelle Obama.

Now Paula is rehashing those at­tacks on Michelle in an attempt to plug her latest cookbook and offset Michelle's new book about eating healthy, noted the source.

“She’s no different than the rest of us,” Paula said about Michelle in a new interview.

Paula added: “She probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even dur­ing commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”

via Weasel Zippers.


  1. So the National Enquirer is on your reading list too? Jeez, Robert!

  2. @wally: it's actually on Weasel Zippers' reading list, Walt. And if not for The National Enquirer, John Edwards might be our President, since the MSM wasn't interested in the story.

  3. You've been giving them a free ride on that one story for a couple of years now. You'd have a hard time making a case that they don't spend most of their time wallowing in shit.

  4. @wally: The National Enquirer's bread-and-butter stories lie in celebrity gossip, not politics. Rest assured that, if they suddenly decided to investigate every rumor concerning politicians and publish the resulting stories, Washington would come to a screaming halt.

    The MSM continues to spike stories to protect Democrats, witness the dearth of stories on Operation Fast & Furious. Only CBS is covering that story honestly; NBC ignores it to such a degree that it has never been mentioned by the talking heads on MSNBC such as Matthews, Maddow, Schultz or O'Donnell.

  5. It's your blog, you can use our conversation as a launching pad for one of your pet rants if you like, but it's beside the point. The National Enquirer, like your beloved British tabloids, deals in junk news and faux stories, such as the one you have chosen to post. I'd much rather see meaty and nutritious Fast & Furious updates here than this junk food.

  6. @wally: If you truly want Fast and Furious news, you're better off reading Sipsey Street Irregulars, because that is Vanderboegh's primary focus. Too bad bloggers don't get Pulitzers. It's possible that CBS' Sheryl Atkisson will get one, if the Obama administration doesn't pull strings to prevent it.

  7. Yeah, or maybe they'll make sure she has an "accident" on a country road late on a rainy night. You know, in case the holding of Pulitzer Committee members' families at gunpoint doesn't work.

  8. @wally: save your scorn for someone who gives a shit. Nixon practiced dirty tricks, so did Clinton, what makes you think that Black Jesus, a Chicago machine pol, is any different? If you read Sipsey Street Irregulars regularly, you'll learn that Vanderboegh's mail is being intercepted and delivery delayed, that he was jailed in what was a dubious road rage incident in which he was the victim, and other instances of seeming skullduggery. ATF whistleblowers are being retaliated against in violation of federal law. Hell, BORDER PATROL AND ICE AGENTS HAVE BEEN KILLED by guns from this program, and you sit there and sneer about it because your heroes are responsible and you can't pin it on the ebil Booosh.

  9. Once again, you've pulled out a shotgun when a nice little pistol would have sufficed. I wasn't claiming that conspiracies have never existed in the world, just that the idea that Obama is poised to infiltrate the Pulitzer Committee is kind of silly. Calm down, man. Have a BBQ or something.

  10. @wally: Obama doesn't have to infiltrate the Pulitzer Committee. The work in question has to be submitted first, and what if the CBS honchos, who may be drinking buddies at the White House and invited regularly, "decide" that Atkisson's work just doesn't meet Pulitzer standards? The same CBS that tried to blow Bush out of the water with an October Surprise that was found to be based on manufactured documentation?

    No, when the White House and the MSM enjoy the cozy we're-all-friends-here relationship, no "infiltration" is necessary.


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