Monday, October 10, 2011

Where's the Greatest Income Disparity?

In the blue states. So get your own house in order before telling others to fix theirs, hippies.

h/t Knuckledraggin' My Life Away.


  1. Ha ha ha! Meaningless Foxtoid alert! What kind of mouth-breather would imagine that a political party has the ability to determine the demographics of their state?

  2. @Walt Taylor: Just keep spouting those MSDNC talking points there, Wally.

  3. One of my jobs requires me to follow the LS/MFT news shows, and I haven't yet heard that "talking point" mentioned. Your retort is as chock-full of substance as your original claim. Come on, Bob. You're better than this.

  4. @Walt Taylor: I already gave you fair warning, Walt. If your comments amount to nothing more than blowing a rasberry and sneering Fox News!, then you're wasting my time as well as your own.

  5. Aw, please don't ask me to give up the raspberries! That's what makes life worthwhile! As you well know--get your house in order, hippies? Anyway, if you read my first comment again, you'll see my point, but let me restate it: a bunch of hippies, as totalitarian as you imagine their goals are, can't possibly be responsible for the demographics of a given state. As the article you quote says, blue states tend to have more urban wealth and poverty than red states. You may have some viable criticisms about this protest, but you chose a factoid without substance. Just like you-know-who.

  6. @Walt Taylor: The party doesn't determine the demographics of an area/state; the demographics determine the party. The most extreme example in the US is African-Americans, who vote Democrat on the order of 93%.

    I posted this topic because I found it ironic and amusing that the very things that the OWS hippie types seem to be dead set against (millionaires, income disparity) are most pronounced in the places where those same hippies self-segregate to (blue states).

  7. I know that's why you posted this. But it's a cheap irony, based on a meaningless juxtaposition of facts. Kind of like the irony that the people who complain loudest about the intrusion of the federal government come from states that accept the most federal money. But you went a step further than irony. You demanded that the "hippies" get their house in order before they hold protests. If that means anything, it must mean change the demographics of their state. Which is pretty ridiculous, don't you think?

  8. I know you've seen Jon Stewart occasionally. It would be worth looking up tonight's show on the topic we've been discussing.


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