Thursday, October 06, 2011

Yet Another UK Homeowner Arrested For Shooting Criminals

This sorry shit was supposed to cease once the Coalition government came in. Guess we see how good that pledge was.

A watchmaker has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a suspected burglar was allegedly shot in the leg during a botched raid in a quiet rural village.

The man, named locally as clock repairer Malcolm White, who is in his sixties, is believed to have caught two raiders trying to steal his new Audi from outside his £420,000 home in Whitbourne, Herefordshire, last night.

Mr White lives in a four-bedroom Tudor property called 'Stocking Gobbetts' which sits next to St John the Baptist Church and was bought for £420,000 in 2007.

He is a horologist - a clock repair and maintenance specialist - and is believed to carry out work on church clocks, including the one next to his home.

Residents in Whitbourne, where he has lived for four years, described Mr White as a 'softly spoken' and 'gentle-natured' man.

Yet deep down inside, this man is A SEETHING CAULDRON OF HATE!!!!!111!1!1!

Geez. Old guy's probably never been in trouble with the law in his entire life. They should give him a medal instead of arresting him.

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