Thursday, November 10, 2011

Attention All Veterans & Military Personnel

Here's what a Suffolk Law professor thinks about your service:

I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings. I understand that there is a residual sympathy for service members, perhaps engendered by support for troops in World War II, or perhaps from when there was a draft and people with few resources to resist were involuntarily sent to battle. That sympathy is not particularly rational in today's world, however.

The United States may well be the most war prone country in the history of civilization. We have been at war two years out of three since the Cold War ended. We have 700 overseas military bases. What other country has any? In the last ten years we have squandered hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary foreign invasions. Those are dollars that could have been used for people who are losing their homes due to the economic collapse, for education, to repair our infrastructure, or for any of a thousand better purposes than making war. And of course those hundreds of billions of dollars have gone for death and destruction.

via Michael Graham, the Natural Truth.

Gotta love a liberal prick that pens such a screed a few days before Veterans' Day, huh?


  1. To answer your question: yes, God commands me to love everybody, as best I can.

    I don't have to like them.

  2. Wow, guess he should move somewhere else that's more peaceful. Leave this place to the violent haters like us.

  3. We have 700 overseas military bases. What other country has any?
    Britain, France, Russia, Cuba, Canada- do I need to go on?

    Besides, when we win a war, we take over defending that country, which is why NATO countries were doing so well with their social commitments (No nat'l defense budget).

    In the last ten years we have squandered hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary foreign invasions. Those are dollars that could have been used for people who are ...yada,yada, yada...

    And in the last two years we have wasted TRILLIONS in your Chicago Jeezus's union payoffs designed for 'infrastructure' and GM/MOPAR UAW payoffs.

    WordVer= Dessin


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