Monday, November 28, 2011

He Cain't H'ep It...

...he's just an ignernt redneck.

PALM CITY, Fla., Nov. 28 (UPI) -- Police in Florida said a man arrested for allegedly brawling with his son told officers he shouldn't be arrested because "fighting is what redneck people do."

Investigators said Wach's 18-year-old son told deputies he confronted his father about 45 minutes before deputies arrived because the older man was intoxicated and shooting his pistol at the son's lawn mower in the yard of the 18-year-old's home, said.

The son said he took the handgun from Wach, who left but came back a short time later with a shotgun he allegedly pointed at the younger man. The two men fought until a passing deputy noticed the altercation, investigators said.

Wach allegedly refused to comply with the deputy's demands that he stop fighting and he was shocked three times with a stun gun before being taken into custody.

Deputies said Wach did not understand why he was being arrested.

"He then stated that he shoots in the yard all the time and that fighting is what redneck people do," the arrest report states.

To the deputies who arrested him, it was aggravated assault; to Wach, it was just another typical redneck weekend.

If you've ever tried to shoot the lawnmower and then got into a fight with your own might be a redneck.


  1. I've wanted to shoot the lawnmower a time or two. I put out out by the curb and went and bought a new one once.

    Shootin' and fightin' in the front yard and not cooperating with a deputy seems all around like a bad idea.

  2. You can't make stuff like this up.


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