Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hi Kids! We're Going To Learn a New Word Today!

That word is recidivist. Can you say that? Good! I knew you could!

A teenager who has found himself on the wrong side of the law multiple times in recent years was again arrested — and tased — by Wilmington police for a botched Christmas Eve robbery, authorities said.

Police arrested 19-year-old Taquan Pearley James after they found him wrestling with a man outside of a house in the 1200 block of Orange Street, a rifle lying nearby.

James has run into police several times in recent years. He was one of two 16-year-olds who in 2008 were arrested on suspicion of holding up two Domino’s Pizza delivery drivers. And in 2010, he served a little more than a month in prison for breaking into a house on Barnett Avenue.

Can we keep him in prison for at least 5 years this time, and give the citizens of North Carolina a break from his inability to control his criminal impulses? It'd be much appreciated.

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