Friday, December 02, 2011

Meanwhile, At The New York Times...

...yet another gun-hating journalist displays his ignorance, and beclowns himself:

Of course, sensible laws might have kept people like Jared Lee Loughner, the clearly deranged accused shooter in the Tucson massacre, from owning — and legally concealing — his Glock 19 semiautomatic, with its multiple-clip magazine. But Obama would not use his executive power to make even that case.

"Multiple-clip magazine."

Timothy Egan, this maroon's for you:

h/t Bob Owens.

update: It's been fixed.

1 comment:

  1. Nevermind that there were any number of people - starting with his family and ending with the Pima College cops who banned him from the campus - who could have reported adverse information about Loughner to NICS, thereby having him declared (at least temporarily) as a prohibited possessor.

    Common sense laws. We haz 'em. We just need to use 'em.


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