Monday, January 16, 2012

Gang Aft Agley

Well, my plan to be out of town during the week of the Democrat National Convention here in Charlotte has been shot down by management, there was a memo on the bulletin board at work last night that the week of the convention was off limits to vacation and time off requests.

So, stuck in a hotel full of Democrats in September. Not my idea of a fun time.


  1. My wife worked at a large hotel for our first few years in Alaska; there are times of the year when they can't take vacation.

  2. So how miserable can you make them all without actually being identified as the cause?

    Opportunities, man...opportunities.

    Imagine all those dems, cranky because they were unable to sleep all night for whatever reason. Heh

  3. All it takes is a bit of burning toast to set off the fire alarm...

  4. @ProudHillbilly: what, and be forced to look at naked Democrats at 3 a.m.?


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