Monday, January 23, 2012

Says the Plagiarist of the Adulterer

"Biden on Newt's Marriage: 'Character' Matters."


  1. Did you actually watch the clip, Robert? You should never take Fox Nation's headlines as an accurate representation of the event. But you wouldn't have known that, being the staunch ignorer of all things Fox that you are.

  2. @Walt Taylor: Walt, where did that chart go that you linked on Facebook, the one showing how much debt occurred under each President's administration?

  3. I removed it when it was pointed out that it was based on misleading figures. Don't you wish everyone would do the same?

  4. I don't know what Marianne (Newt's Wife # 2) is all exercised about! At the time Newt proposed to her, he was still married to Jackie (Wife # 1). What made Marianne think that he would remain faithful to her?

  5. @Walt Taylor: gee, I wonder if climate scientists do that when the data doesn't agree with their preconceived notions?

  6. I tend to worry about my own standards first, and those of others second.

  7. Bill Clinton could not be reached for comment.


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