Monday, February 20, 2012

A Meme

Found here:

1. If you could pick a super power, what would it be?

Flight, á la Superman. Gasoline is getting expensive, and I like the idea of avoiding traffic, or making a trip to the beach more often than I do.

2. If you could spend the day with someone (famous or not, still alive or not) who would it be?

President George Washington.

3. Have you ever won a contest, award, or prize?

Won a cake raffle in 5th grade in Catholic school. Won a Rotary Club essay contest as a senior in High School, subject: Is Free Speech a Right or a Responsibility? I won an anchor pool once in the US Navy, the USS Deyo.

4. Tell us something about yourself that we don't already know.

Some people might know it, as I've mentioned it in blog comments a couple of times, but never blogged on it: I'm a hotel clerk, and have been robbed twice in 20 years. One one occasion I was armed and shot the robber (he lived, but lost his spleen), the other time I was unarmed and the robber got away with it.

5. Take a picture of your desk where you keep your computer and post it without cleaning the desk first.

In the pic are a Ruger Vaquero in .45 Colt, a Böker Barlow knife and a Kissing Crane Boy Scout knife, a Becker BK-5 knife, a winning lottery ticket worth $15, a Ruger LCP in its storage pouch, and a British pub pint glass.

1 comment:

  1. So, you vented his spleen? (rimshot)

    Ah, I've got a million of them!


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