Saturday, February 18, 2012

More On Tommy Jordan

Tommy Jordan, the Albemarle, NC, man who shot his daughter's laptop as punishment for her embarrassing her family on Facebook, has continued to use Facebook himself to communicate with the world, bypassing the MSM and their ability to frame a narrative so as to suit their own agenda.

The more you read of what Jordan has to say, the more you realize he isn't anyone's fool, isn't the stereotype of a southern redneck, and isn't a bad parent:

2. What was your daughter’s reaction to the video?

Answer: It was what you'd expect I suppose if you came home and found your parents had tossed/broken/destroyed/or given away any toy you had as a kid. She was mad, but in the end she got over it pretty quickly. She didn't have the sensationalized response people seem to be assuming she would. Where we live though, guns to us aren't an anathema. They're a constitutional right that we enjoy being able to utilize fairly often. She's being raised around guns just like she's being raised around hammers. I think she would have had the same reaction if I'd smashed it with a hammer instead. If you mean "was she humiliated and forever scarred knowing people knew it"... No. She was embarrassed about being called out for the language she used. She was embarrassed her parents and grandparents and people from church were able to see it. She really doesn't seem bothered by what the world at large feels about it though. That may change over time, but that's true for now. Time will tell.

6. Does your daughter still do the dishes?

Answer: No more or less than the rest of us do. Yes, she still has her chores. No they haven't been reduced, but no they havent' been added to either. Chores are a necessary part of everyday life.

As adults we do them at work, at home, for our kids, for our spouses, for our pets, for the sake of our yard, etc. As a new person about to enter the work-force at the bottom-rung of some company, she's going to get a lot worse at her first job most likely. I know I did.

There are hundreds of chores we all (people in general) do daily. The few my kids do won't hurt them. And as far as "dishes" go, we're a busy house; gone all day at work and school, and home enough for usually one meal together at night if we're lucky enough to get that. So it's not like the loading/unloading of a dishwasher is going to kill her, nor is it a demeaning chore. I did it as a kid and so do my kids. I have to do it as an adult too. I'm not sure why anyone finds that cruel and unusual punishment. Maybe I'll even have the only kid at the college laundromat who knows how to separate whites from colors in the washing machine. Oh what a tough life...

Click the link to read the rest. There is an extended answer about how his IT work allows him to be far more knowledgeable about Facebook and other modern social media than most parents, and he details how he is able to monitor his children's activities/movements via their cell phones, etc. He even mentions having been able to catch a pervert via his monitoring efforts:

This hasn't made the media, but thanks to "snooping" I've already caught one thirty-year old man trying to set up a time to come over and have sex with one of my daughter's friends. My daughter happened to be over at that girl's house that night. This was about a year ago. I wouldn't ever tell the girl's name to anyone, but I called the cops and told them about it. Then I busted the same girl to the police for sending nude photos of underage boys to my daughter's facebook account. My kid was 13 at the time. The police could have buried that child UNDER the jail if they'd wanted to. Amazing... no one called CPS on that kid who actually NEEDED some intervention. You want to talk about a situation where CPS needs to get involved? Whew...

Good stuff.

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