Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rand Paul, Romney VP?

I speculated that Romney, in exchange for Ron Paul's endorsement and support at the Republican Convention, might choose Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Now a Daily Caller story reports that Sen. Paul is indeed interested in the job, leading me to believe that there have been some feelers put out from the Romney camp.

Now as you might notice in my blog sidebar I'm supporting Ron Paul for President in the primaries, and I know a few of you are coming around to that view as well, so I'll ask here: If Romney does indeed get the nomination for President, would Rand Paul on the ticket make you more likely to vote for him, or not?

For those of you not really familiar with Sen. Rand Paul, watch this interview with Reason. This man is sharp as a whip, and has the conservative/libertarian credentials that are lacking in Romney.

Now excuse me while I go pat myself on the back some more for noticing this weeks ago.


  1. I think it would make a difference with me. I'm not at all sure that it would be a smart move for Sen. Paul, although since he's not up for reelection this year, there's not much downside if Mittens loses.

  2. Not Bloody Likely!!!

    The only way I would vote for that ticket was if it was guaranteed that Mittens had terminal cancer and a H.I.V. infection.

    I will NOT vote for Romney under ANY set of circumstances or 'combination' tickets...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  3. Yeah, it would make me hate voting for him less. I like Rand Paul. I'm voting for his dad in the primaries

  4. Do we really need a president where the rally cry is, "Maybe he'll get assassinated and the VP will be promoted. See, there's something to hope for!"

  5. Have you noticed that during the debates Ron Paul and Mitt Romney disagree but are not disagreeable? That they might attack the other candidates, but not each other?

    Ron Paul is not viable as either a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate. RAND Paul is viable for VP and will absolutely help Romney in states where he allegedly will have trouble.

    Ron Paul giving a very nice speech at the Republican Convention and endorsing Mitt Romney will help shore up the base a lot.

    Romney didn't get to be wealthy by not knowing how to cut a deal.


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