Monday, February 13, 2012

Santiago Matamoros*...

...pray for us.

BARCELONA, Spain -- Bullfighting is now illegal in the Spanish province of Catalonia. Some arenas have been converted into business spaces.

But Muslims want to turn the most famous arena, the Coliseum, into a giant mosque.

In fact, some cities in Spain now look more like the Middle East. Muslims, who once ruled most of nation, are returning in large numbers.

In the city of Salt, parents have come to pick up their children from school. Muslims already make up 40 percent of city residents and will soon be the majority.

Click the link to read the rest. Islam famously conquered Spain, taking it from the Goths, and were in turn expelled by the Spanish Catholics led by Ferdinand and Isabel, who also sponsored Columbus. What do you call it when the Muslims return again to reverse the reconquest?

*St. James the Moor-Slayer,the patron of Spain.


  1. Robert, I have to ask you: is this really the only alternative you can find to the hated MSM? This is journalism that would make a high school student blush with shame. The story leads with a claim that bullfighting has been banned in Catalonia,and then says nothing more about it. Was it banned by pressure from Muslims? Is banning it a bad thing? We'll never know. And then "In the city of Salt, parents have come to pick up their children from school." What does this mean? Parents come to pick up their children from school in every town in the U.S.! As before, the subject is never mentioned again. A mosque is shut down for overcrowding, so worshipers are discovered elsewhere. What?? This shit is laughable! If there is indeed a story here, it is totally undermined by the amateur reporting, which is bolstered by innuendo, quotes from radical rightists, and the familiar damnation by question: "We don't know what the Muslim leaders are telling their people," Moises Font with Platform for Catalonia said. "Are they encouraging Muslims to assimilate or to stay separate?"
    And you have the chutzpah to label this "Islamofascism". You bristle when I compare your writings to Fox News, but I think you've actually found something lower on the food chain.

  2. @wally: That bullfighting has been banned in Catalonia isn't in dispute, so using the word "claim" is a misnomer. The writer mentioned it only in the context of Muslims wanting to use a bullring - - presumably Barcelona's - - as a mosque.

    I'm thinking that what you really object to is my using a story from a source (CBN) that you don't approve of. Well, Walt, sorry I couldn't find such a story on your "approved" list of MSM sources, but those same sources probably wouldn't be interested in covering the subject, just as NBC refuses to cover Fast & Furious, for the most notorious example.

    Spain, if you remember, already had its own version of 9/11, the bombings of train stations carried out by Al Qaeda terrorists. It is no secret that Islam wants to dominate Spain again, I've linked stories in the past mentioning it. Much of Europe is being Islamized, and I don't view it as a good thing. Sorry if you disagree.

  3. Once again you invent an opinion on my part and choose to argue against it instead of what I really said.

  4. As opposed to the Walt that apparently exists in your fevered brain, I am well aware of the Muslin influx into Europe and the upheavals it's causing in their societies. The subject was discussed in a lengthy article in the New Yorker. It was well-reasoned, supported by fact, and alarming in its conclusions. But you missed it, because you get your news instead from high-school journalists.

  5. @wally: No, I simply don't get my news from the New Yorker. If you saw an article I didn't, bully for you. Glad you found it "alarming."

    I didn't go hunting for the article I linked. I found it by happenstance and I blogged on it, because I once lived in Spain and would hate to see that wonderful country turned into an Islamist shithole.

    Nor am I answerable to you as to what sources of news I use. You find my news sources juvenile? I find yours biased and untrustworthy, save for sports scores.

    NBC Nightly News. Fast & Furious. Address it.

  6. Similarly, I am not answerable to you when you insist I address a topic only tangentially related to the one I commented on!

    And you don't know what my news sources are.

  7. @wally: "And you don't know what my news sources are."

    It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to make a reasoned deduction in this case, Walt.

  8. You've been consistently wrong about my opinions, Bob--on gun control, for instance--so I don't have much faith in your "reasoned deductions". Depending on stereotypes is not my definition of reason.

  9. @wally: this isn't the Argument Clinic sketch from Monty Python, so I'm not going to start in with "yes it is/no it isn't." Much of the time in recent months your commentary has been less about issues and more about impugning my intelligence, along with the usual sneers about Fox News. If you're only coming here to troll, and are unwilling to acknowledge a well-made point on my part (presumably in your mind I have none to make), then I'd think you'd go elsewhere.

  10. You posted an article, and I commented on the quality of its journalism and your seeming complacence to it. You responded, not to my comment, but to what you imagined I was really thinking. I took exception to that. If you consider that trolling, then I have to conclude that I'm not welcome here. Fair enough. It's been an interesting ride. So long, Bob.


Don't use my blog to sell your products, whether it be goods, services, or Islam. Don't insult me or other commenters. Other than that I'm pretty tolerant.