Wednesday, February 08, 2012

We're Not Talking Yer Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Here

In North Pole, Alaska (yes you heard that right), Stanislaus Grzeskowiak "threatened to teach "crackheads" how to make "electromagnetic distortion devices" unless the state paid him $85,000."

Sgt. Jess Carson says the 36-year-old called state troopers Friday and said he knew how to use discarded televisions to make devices that could block police radios, computer communication and cellphones. He also threatened to cut the communications of oil companies and credit card companies if he didn't get the money.

Authorities say Grzeskowiak blames the state and companies for his financial situation, lack of education and marital problems.

Well, he can certainly blame the state for his lack of education, presuming he went to a public school.

I wonder if he had a sooper-sekrit chillbilly James Bond villain's hideout?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I think the -50 temps got to him. Or maybe he's just another crackpot; we certainly have our share of those, up here.


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