Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I'll Get You, My Pretty...

...and that Piggly Wiggly security guard, too!

Not quite the Wicked Witch of the West:

A man who threatened to beat a Piggly Wiggly security guard Tuesday also vowed to track down the Charleston police officer arresting him when he gets out of jail, according to an incident report.

Barry Donnell Washington, 48, of Ashley Avenue faces charges of disorderly conduct, making threats, resisting arrest and threatening a public official after the incident disturbed several shoppers at the Meeting Street grocery store.

About 7:30 p.m., a security guard at the supermarket said Washington approached him and threatened to “kick your (expletive).” He repeated the threat to a manager who had told him to "please stop cursing and leave the business."

Usual Suspect of 48 years of age. They just never learn, do they?


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