Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Meanwhile, At My Old High School...

...atheist shit-stirring is occurring.

LENOIR CITY — Krystal Myers is an honors student, captain of the swim team and editor of her high school newspaper.

She's also an atheist in a predominantly Christian student body.

In a recent editorial that Myers, 18, intended for the Lenoir City High School newspaper entitled "No Rights: The Life of an Atheist," she questioned her treatment by the majority.

"Why does atheism have such a bad reputation? Why do we not have the same rights as Christians?" she wrote.


  1. (Disclaimer: I'm an atheist)

    This would be why I don't actively associate with people for whom their atheism is front and center; much like militant muslims, they are simply looking to be aggrieved.

    If you choose to have beliefs that put you in a minority position, it's foolish to obnoxiously insist that the majority STFU. Especially when the majority you're offended by generally leaves you alone and is focused on treating their fellow citizens with kindness, as compared to some societies would actively prosecute her, to be followed by stoning, hanging, decapitation, etc.

    I'm sure she'll feel much less persecuted when she enters her intended career field though.

  2. @MauserMedic: Agree. And I speak as an agnostic myself (an atheist on my bad days).

  3. Her touching plea reminded me that the right to be popular is guaranteed in the 11th Amendment, or something.

    Interesting use of the term "rights".

  4. So, which Amendment contains the right not to be offended?

  5. @KurtP: Damned if I've ever been able to find it, Kurt.


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