Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Today's Poll

Inspired by a discussion over at Breda's Facebook page.

Your Opinion of Artist Thomas Kinkade?
pollcode.com free polls 

Now, I have opinions of Kinkade's work myself, but I'd like to hear your honest opinions without my words influencing you. I might chime in if the post is successful, i.e., receives more genuine comments than Cyrillic spam comments. Judging by recent posts that ain't likely.


  1. I had to google him to figure out who you were talking about.

    A resounding "meh" followed by "who gives a hoot?"

  2. There's nothing wrong with his paintings; I can't understand why an artist who's financially successful is derided in his lifetime. Apparently he should have starved, to achieve the Literati's approbation.



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