Friday, August 08, 2014

Meanwhile, The Utterly Corrupt US Attorney General, the Contemptible Eric Holder...

...saw his attempt to force North Carolina to abrogate its Voter ID law slapped down by a federal judge.

The left trumpeted a voter ID decision in Wisconsin as if it were the end of the issue. Let’s see what they do with this one. A federal court today smacked down the Holder Justice Department and refused to enjoin (block) North Carolina’s voter ID law, curtailment of costly early voting and end of fraud-infested same day registration. This means the state’s voter ID law will be in place for the midterm congressional (and Senate) elections in November.

The Justice Department had actually argued that even if black voters turned out at higher rates under voter ID (which they do), because blacks have to take the bus more and their life is generally harder, then voter ID and curtailing early voting violates the Voting Rights Act.

That high-pitched screaming you hear? That's Senator Kay Hagan (D), realizing that voter fraud won't be an option available to save her senate career.


Old NFO said...

Woo hoo! Now the question is, will DOJ try to get a stay???

Brock Townsend said...

A despicable individual.

Bob said...

@Brock Townsend: fully agree. I think that, if the GOP captures the Senate this fall, an effort to impeach and remove Holder from office will be initiated - - and could well succeed, where an impeachment of Obama would not, Dem loyalty being what it is.

Brock Townsend said...

Two at once, would be fun. :)