Sunday, February 01, 2009

UK: Nurse Suspended For Offering To Pray For Patient

And oh, the patient isn't offended, but brought it to the attention of the nurse's supervisors because someone else might be.

Gee, thanks, lady.

Hard to find anything nice about this story. At the very least you've taken a nurse who appears to be caring and concerned, and alienated her so that she might be less caring and concerned in the future.

Clean my shite. Sod your prayers.


  1. It's a fine line that nurses walk.

    There is always the option of praying without the patient's knowledge.

  2. I considered that, and if the consideration for the nurse is the only part of this story that's what I'd advise she do. But since she was making the offer out of kindness to another person, to comfort and reassure, then praying privately without the patient's knowledge is a wasted effort.


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