Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ignorance of the Four Rules Is...Occasionally A Good Thing

As all law-abiding gun owners should know, there are four rules of gun safety that were formulated by USMC Colonel Jeff Cooper, the first of which is A Gun Is Always Loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.

Philip Collopy, a crime boss in Limerick, Ireland, apparently never learned these four rules. While explaining the workings of a Glock pistol to his henchmen, Collopy removed the magazine from the pistol, then pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. Oops! There was still a round in the chamber, and Collopy blew his brains out, recorded for posterity by a phone camera. (No, video not available to the media).

Here's a pic of the late Mr. Collopy:

Philip Collopy, Maroon.

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