Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What If You Don't Survive The Crime?

The UK Justice Secretary, Jack Straw, set out plans for 21st century "Rights and Responsibilities" of Britons in a green paper released yesterday.

Among the rights:

The Bill of Rights and Responsibilities would reaffirm every citizen's right to equal health care if they become ill, decent treatment if they become a victim of crime, free education for every child and universal access to good housing.

And the responsibilities?

The statement of responsibilities could include the duty to pay taxes and obey the law, as well as vote in elections, undertake jury service if summoned and treat public sector staff with respect.

Reflecting modern worries about the planet's future, it could also require citizens to live "within our environmental limits". The proposals came after Gordon Brown put the issue of constitutional reform at the centre of his leadership campaign in 2007.

Doesn't look very promising for British citizens subjects. "Decent treatment if they become a victim of crime" doesn't leave room for self-defense against criminals, at least on the face of it. And the responsibilities very much sound like shut your mouth and do as you're told.

And any such list should certainly be put to the voters to approve or disapprove.

1 comment:

  1. I'll always remember Gordon Brown as the imbecile that sold all that Gold at the market bottom. Why they haven't tarred and feathered that monumentally incompetent jackass out of their country is beyond me.


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