Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Was Born With The Gift of a Golden Voice

No, not Leonard Cohen. Susan Boyle.

I agree with columnist Zohar Laor, who compared her to Andersen's Ugly Duckling.

If you haven't seen this amazing clip from the TV show Britain's Got Talent, you owe it to yourself to watch it. If you ever felt sorry for yourself, thinking that "the little people" don't ever get a chance in this world, watch this video and see what happens when one of the little people does get that chance.


  1. I just put up a post about the incredible Susan Boyle. It took a lot of courage to do what she did.

  2. @ TOTWTYTR: *nods* It's easy when you're at the bottom to be discouraged and not even try to raise yourself. Maybe she'll turn out to be the singing equivalent of J.K. Rowling, another impoverished Scot who made when given a chance.

  3. We can only hope. Her voice is truly remarkable and more people should hear it.

    I will always maintain that the very best part of the whole thing was how the smirks, snickers, and guffaws all disappeared after that first note.

    Now, if we an only get her to sing "Crazy"!


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