Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Raining

A 28-year-old man on an airplane flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu has been arrested for urinating on a fellow passenger.

Can you guess the sly movie reference in the title? Hint:


  1. That's from "The Outlaw Josey Wales". John Vernon, better known as Dean Wormer from "Animal House".

    Not one of my favorite Eastwood movies, so I'll hazard a guess that the quote involves urinating on someone and telling them it's rain.

  2. @ TOTWTYTR: *nods* you guessed correctly. I found Josie Wales, along with First Blood, deeply disturbing movies because of the rudeness involved on the part of the principal characters. Josie Wales throughout the entire movie spits on people, knowing he can get away with it because of the guns he wears.

    The whole point of First Blood would have been defeated if John Rambo had had the common human courtesy to tell the sheriff that he was in town to visit a fellow Vietnam veteran friend. Instead he petulantly walked along, refusing to talk, which provoked the sheriff into rash acts. He was within his rights to do so, of course, but what happened to common human courtesy? Had he spoken, it would have all been over and he could have gone his way without further disturbance.

  3. Bob, you're full of crap. Josey spit on a dog, not people. As to Rambo, I doubt you're old enough to remember the frigging red neck cops who seemed to think it was their duty to harass people with long hair. If you are, perhaps you were never the recipient of discrimination for the simple act of growing hair and a beard.

    Either way, my opinion remains the same.

  4. @AKA Angrywhiteman: Perhaps your memory of Josie Wales is faulty. He spit on the Carpetbagger (how is it with stains?), and spit on several of the people he killed. He spit on the ground at Ten Bears' feet, as I recall.

    As for Rambo, I was discussing the movie, not real life events. Don't confuse the two.

  5. regarding Josey Wales, I stand corrected. Regarding the movie Rambo, Dennehy would have found a reason to mess with Rambo, that was his character.

    I was admittedly full of crap regarding Joesy, and you're as fresh as a coffee enema.

  6. With reference to "It's Raining" Hell in the Pacific with Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune was the first movie that came to my mind.


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