Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ya Want Snot On That?

Domino's Pizza is forced to do damage control after idiot employees post prank video on YouTube.

Did you know that cops like to eat at Subway because they can watch their food being prepared and can be confident that it hasn't been spoiled by a hostile employee?

I think we need to bring back pillories and stocks for food workers that spoil food.

h/t Ann Althouse.


  1. As gross as it may sound, just about anything could improve the taste of Domino's crappy pizza. In fact, I would swear in court that the box tastes better than the product inside.

  2. @ TOTWTYTR: Apparently this happened not too far from where I live in the Charlotte area. Guess I'll forego ordering from them for a while. I'm more a Pizza Hut man, anyway, and we also have a locally owned place that will add garlic to my pizzas.


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