Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Speaking of Two-Headed Babies...

...which we weren't, of course, but it's a good way to introduce this story found in the UK Telegraph. Click through to the story if you wish to read it and see the two-headed baby, but I think it would be more amusing to come up with the most bizarre two-headed human you can imagine, for example:

A human with a Rush Limbaugh head and a Bill Maher head;

Nancy Pelosi and George Bush heads on the same human;

Sarah Palin and Andrew Sullivan heads on the same human;

Rev. Al Sharpton and David Duke heads on the same human.

Come up with your own!

1 comment:

  1. Heh. I'd pay money to see the Palin/Sullivan act. Except it would be temporary because Sullivan's head would explode.


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