Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How On Earth Did This Happen?

Reuters just published a totally objective article on gun ownership in the US.

Three pages of it.


DOUGLAS, Arizona (Reuters) - An odd contraption in retired firefighter Alex Black's cluttered garage looks a bit like the hand winch at the top of a well. In fact, it is a machinegun.

"You march in to battle in straight lines against this, and nobody comes back," said Black, standing beside the hefty, carriage-mounted Colt Gatling Gun, which he restored over the course of a decade.

Black, who lives in this sleepy ranching town on the Arizona-Mexico border, is one of millions of gun collectors in the United States, where authorities estimate that there are more than 200 million firearms held in private hands in a country of 300 million people.

Read the whole thing. How did this fair-minded article get past an editor's desk at Reuters? I'm gobsmacked.

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