Monday, June 30, 2014

Today's Supper Was...

Pinchitos Morunos:

The seasoning for them can be found at Amazon.


juvat said...

I'm pretty new to this blogging thing, but I think one of the major rules is when you blog about dinner, ya gotta include the recipe! Unless, of course, you're building suspense and anticipation for a second post with the recipe. If that's the case, my apologies. ;-)

Old NFO said...

Yum! Those look good! :-)

Bob said...

@juvat: There are recipes for doing Pinchitos from scratch, but with the purchased seasoning mix, all you do is cube the meat, wet it with olive oil, throw on the seasoning and toss on the grill. You can let the seasoning soak into the meat for a few hours before you cook it, if you like.