Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Last English-Style Butcher In Barking and Ilford... just a little too loud for his neighbors.

LONDON, April 10 (UPI) -- An outraged British butcher said he may move his business after authorities ordered him to stop chopping meat before 8 a.m. because it is too noisy.

Brian Clapton, 51, who said he is "the last English-style butcher" in his area of east London, has been ordered by city officials to stop chopping meat in the morning because he is disturbing locals, The Daily Mail reported.

How on earth, exactly, do you chop too loudly?


Anonymous said...

Is it a good idea to outrage a man who hacks meat for a living, one who apparently approaches his work with great zeal and enthusiasm? This is the great beginning of a murder-mystery. Or maybe an action flick.

As for whether it is possible to chop too loudly, I think it is. Think of it: a big cleaver smacking through bone and flesh upon a wooden board. Those cleavers are big heavy things. Wood can resonate resoundingly. Thawk thawk thawk!

Geoff. said...

I see he is from Barking. The English have a saying referring to stupidity; Barking Mad. Not chopping until 8am will mean he can't open until hours afterwards and that would doubtless suit the locals even less. Good blog.