Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dream Fragments

Had some fragmentary dreams last night; in one fragment a tall tower on a rocky island was involved, at issue was whether a storm could cause damage to the tower or otherwise hurt the occupants, at one point a wave crashed against the tower, sending water skyward, but the tower stood tall and strong. This may have been linked in my mind to the recent destruction by Hurricane Ike of the Galveston, Texas area, and especially the Bolivar peninsula opposite Galveston Island. On the peninsula is an old iron lighthouse that has withstood two direct hits now from devastating hurricanes.

The other dream fragment involved singer Jimmy Buffett. I've been a fan of his music since the '70's, although not so much these days when he seems to be more of a corporate brand than a human being. (My theory is that he was replaced with a pod person about the time that he shaved his mustache off, in the mid-80's.) On this occasion Jimmy was planning a trip with his family, and I and other fans were watching the plans from a balcony. No more details than that. This wasn't a new experience, I have been having dreams of meeting Buffett for the last 20 years; usually in these dreams we're in one of his airplanes, discussing his upcoming shows or other events in his life.

I'm sorry these dreams are just fragments, or that they lack much in the way of story.

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