Friday, January 09, 2009

The Quick Red Fox

Vixen helps herself to a fisherman's catch:

The title of this post brings back Navy memories and is also a literary reference. Bonus points to whoever guesses the literary reference.


Barco Sin Vela II said...

John Dann MacDonald, "The Quick Red Fox". Travis McGee. It was about an actress that Trav was doing/rescuing and her character either returns for this story or returns in a later edition.

45 more minutes and I can return to Slip F-18.

P.S. All of the McGee books contained a color in the title. I really liked the final one, "The Lonely Silver Rain" Hope I got that right, working on memory...

Bob said...

I remember back in the mid-'80's living in Spain, and one day the Stars & Stripes featured a wire service interview with MacDonald, who said in the interview that he had a last McGee book in his safe called A Black Border For McGee that he used to blackmail his publisher into paying him more money for his books. The book, if it ever existed (MacD. may have been joking) has never surfaced.