Thursday, June 02, 2011

Can You Discern Male Versus Female Writing Styles?

V.S. Naipaul says he can.

I can't. Here's how I scored:

You scored 4 out of a possible 10

Sloppy thinking. You clearly need to read more books by men.

4/10 is close enough to 50%, which is little more than blind chance.

Give it a try, tell me how you do. Let's start a new meme.


Nancy R. said...

I got 5 out of 10, and it told me I needed to read more male authors. *Phbbbt!* That's pretty much all I read. Maybe the problem is I don't read much fiction.

wally said...

Haha! Exactly how little more than blind chance? A smidgeon?

Julie said...

I got 6 out of 10 and also told to read more male authors. (It also said i had 'sloppy thinking')

I generally read male authors ... but like nancy - not much fiction