Friday, March 07, 2014

I Done TOLE You To Get Outta Bed, Boy


An early morning argument, possibly about getting out of bed, led to a 16-year-old boy being shot by his grandfather in northwest Alachua County early Thursday morning, authorities say.

"Sometime this morning an argument ensued, possibly about getting out of bed and going to school," Forgey said. "The grandfather apparently heard the argument between mother and son, interjected himself into the argument … and at some point pulled out a gun and shot the 16-year-old."

Forgey added Thursday afternoon that there may be a history of the teen abusing his grandfather.

Most did not want to talk about the matter but another grandson of Ulysses Hayes, who would not give his name, spoke highly of his grandfather.

"He's a great man and don't believe what you hear. It's as simple as that, nothing more and nothing less. Whatever happened here is going to stay here. It's a family matter and it's going to stay a family matter," said the man, who is not Jermaine's brother. "We're giving police the information they need to know. It's a tragedy. Nobody wanted it to happen. It is just one of those things that as a family, we have to deal with. And any law that is involved, we have to deal with that, too."

Later on in the story the State Attorney, probably at the prodding of the journalist who wrote this story, turned it into an indictment of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law:

State Attorney Bill Cervone said his office will review the incident and evidence to decide whether to file charges.

Cervone said Florida's "stand your ground" law may have been a factor in the decision by ASO not to file charges.

"This is illustrative of the problems that exist with the ‘stand your ground' legislation in that law enforcement is actively discouraged from making an arrest or a charge under situations where you don't really know everything that might be involved," Cervone said. "It may play out to be a completely legitimate use of force, or it may not."

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