Saturday, May 14, 2011

A WHAT? Ooo, Ick!

Thanksgiving Haley holds a backyard touch-football game cum barbecue.

A cum barbecue? WTF?

I know what he's trying to say, of course, but when you use that particular word (it's Latin, by the way), you should italicize it, just as you would any other Latin phrase embedded in an English-language sentence:

Thanksgiving Haley holds a backyard touch-football game-cum-barbecue.

And, as much as I love barbecue, I don't think I'd be willing to try cum barbecue. Don't think you could barbecue it, anyway. Maybe mix it with cornmeal and fry it up as a hushpuppy. Not that I'd be willing to try even that.


Julie said...

your brain works like mine .. probably unfortunately

Borepatch said...


Tam said...

Thank goodness for those layers of editorial oversight. ;)