Friday, July 01, 2011

Hitchens On Michelle Bachman

"But then, when you come to notice it, she doesn't seem to know her Iowan derrière from an artesian well, either."

Which is a much classier, Hitchens-esque way of saying her ass from a hole in the ground.

The rest of the article discusses the current US predilection for political candidates from small towns, and Hitchens apparently follows the usual elitist pattern of thinking them yokels, without going so far as New York Times columnist David Carr in calling them the dance of the low-sloping foreheads. I'm sure Hitchens shares the sentiment, though, and possibly would commend Carr on his wit.


wally said...

Much as I hate to take issue with you, Bob, I just have to. Hitchens does not charaterize candidates from small towns as yokels. What he does is characterize the tendency of all candidates, regardless of their orientation, to tout their small-town roots as presidential qualifications (whether they have them or not) as a kind of appeal to yokelism. These are two very different propositions.

I thought you were something of a fan of Hitchens. He can't have too many more columns left in him, and to see this one misrepresented is a sad thing indeed.

Bob said...

@wally: well, it's not as if Hitchens reads my blog, Walt. If I misrepresent his column it reflects on me, not on him.

wally said...

Let me rephrase that for you: "It's a sad thing to see this one misrepresented." Or, if you prefer, "It's been misrepresented. That's too bad."