Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quote of the Day

And then they said the magic words (voiceover of a shot of flight attendants making up a first-class cabin, with beds etc): "Our goal is to bring back some of the luxury and glamour of air travel."

I'm afraid that ship has sailed, folks. Yes, you may be able to hit the luxury button for a select few in the first-class seats, but even those aren't THAT luxurious. As long as I'm taking off my shoes and belt and getting my nuts grabbed by a blue-gloved tin-badged pissant, you definitely aren't going to bring back glamour.

Found here.

1 comment:

ZerCool said...

Thanks for the link! :-)

(I wish flight was still magical. I wish I could see people off at the gate, and keep my swiss army knife in my pocket, and a bottle of water...)