Monday, June 06, 2011

What? And Have To Get A Real Job?

Weiner abases himself, but refuses to resign.

Par for the course for a post-Clinton Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Come on now! Resign!?!!? Really? Here is a guy that belongs to the party of "Do It If It Feels Good" and you expect him to resign!??! I mean really now...this sexual pervert is lapping up this attention. His moral compass is so far askew that he really doesn't think that he did anything wrong.
And look at his wife! There are women that fall in the wow catagory, some fall in the "Oh Wow" catagory and then there are the few that are "Oh My God Wow". Thats where she lands. Any normal red blooded American male would be doing anything within reason to be connected with her....and this douche bag is texting pics to.....fat plump groaners.
What a perv!


wally said...

You guys sure have selective memories.