Sunday, August 28, 2011

Leftist Prick Says What?

The myth of the self-made man that emerged in the 19th century wasn't entirely a myth. There were people who came to America and did very well for themselves. They had to do things like kill Native Americans and destroy the land in the process, but they made better lives for their families.

Taken from a Salon interview titled "Why Won't America Embrace the Left?" Examples such as the one above might have something to do with it.

h/t Weasel Zippers.


Murphy's Law said...

I don't embrace the left for the same reason that I don't embrace communism, socialism, facism, drug abuse and pedophilia. All are an abomination and totally un-American.

Anonymous said...

I tried to read the whole aarticle and had to stop after about 3 paragraphs. There was such a mish-mosh of leftist babbling, mixing up of metaphors and generally out right lies. I couldn't seem to understand or see a general linear thought process in his argument.

Actually, I also I fell into the trap of trying to reconcile his thought process with actual history. Lets explore just one statement.

"The myth of the self-made man that emerged in the 19th century wasn't entirely a myth. There were people who came to America and did very well for themselves." my wee little brain that seems to be a contradictory statement. If it was a myth (an idea that forms part of the beliefs of a group..but is not founded in fact)

So if the idea that the "American Idea" was a myth, a fraud, not founded in fact....then why did so many people run from their countries to come here to live? So why did they leave their poverty and come to America to "make a life"?

Oh wait, I fell into another trap of the left....I tried to use logic to counter their argument....damn....they did it to me again!


BobG said...

What an amazing pile of bullshit; the writer is a complete idiot and/or a lying SOB. I think he's both.
Anyone who admires Moore and FDR is no one I want to be around.

Borepatch said...

The irony, she is dead.