Friday, August 19, 2011

Someone Stand Him In a Corner, Please

It's bad enough giving chickens alligator snouts, but some fellow named Jack Horner wants to make "chickenosauruses."

Jack Horner, a leading paleontologist based at the University of Montana, is conducting similar work in an attempt to make a 'chickenosaurus' with a tail and hands similar to those of a dinosaur.

Just what we need: fifty-foot tall chickenosauruses with alligator bills. While it may solve the breast meat supply for everyone, there might be a problem with the chickenosauruses viewing humans as a food source, which I suppose would be ok with the environmentalist crowd, since they're always calling for population decreases (if not actively hoping for them via flu outbreaks, etc).

h/t Drudge Report


Rev. Paul said...

IIRC, Jack Horner is the guy that Michael Crichton based "Alan Grant" on. For whatever it's worth.

BobG said...

We could feed them PETA members.

Borepatch said...

Jack Horner is a big deal in the Paleontology world. He was an advisor to "Jurassic Park", and the Sam Niel character was patterned on him.

Doesn't change what you said. This whole thing is just crazy talk. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

TOTWTYTR said...

Jack Horner should go sit in a corner until this silliness passes.

BobG said...

Maybe he borrowed the bong that NASA was using...

Firehand said...

Well, Tam has been wanting a large flying predator...