Sunday, August 10, 2008

Politically Incorrect Post of the Day

For one reason or another, I got to thinking of snack foods of my childhood, and the Frito Bandito popped into my head:

There were even pencil erasers as a gift inside boxes of Fritos; virtually every student at my elementary school had them perched atop their pencils:

The Frito Bandito ad campaign was a huge hit and increased sales of Fritos dramatically, but in an early instance of political correctness, the ad campaign ended when hispanics complained that they were stereotyping.

The Frito Bandito was retired, and replaced with W.C. Fritos, who looked and talked like W.C. Fields, and who also had his own eraser, which, alas, wasn't as popular as the Frito Bandito eraser.

Such was TV-inspired childhood in the late 1960's.

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