Saturday, March 26, 2011

Knobby In Shelby

In other words: Bigfoot (Sasquatch) in Shelby, NC.

Shelby is about 40 miles from here; I go up there occasionally to eat BBQ.

I'm as skeptical on Bigfoot/Yeti/Loch Ness Monster sightings as I am on the subject of God and necrodestinations. When someone brings in a Bigfoot carcass for scientists to study, or even better, brings one back alive á la Frank Buck, I'll give it some consideration, but until then, not so much. These things usually turn out to be canny rural people hoaxing city people, and it's not a new phenomenon.

If you go to the details of the story at the website linked by Fox News, you read some fun stuff, such as:

4. I was there on the road with it and I truly believe it was real. I clearly saw its private parts and it was a male. I have never saw a suit with male parts. I could clearly see its rear and anal region when it ran into the woods.There was a very distinct odor coming from this animal. I believe it was real. I do not see how it could have been anyone wearing a suit. Unless I am proved wrong I will always believe this was a real living breathing being.


5. It is a Slick brand cheap video camera I purchased at the Dollar Store. I wish I had been in possession of a better camera but it was what I had. When it ran into the woods I tried to follow it in but the camera would not pick up anything in the darkness there under the trees.

And, don't provoke it!

7. When it growled at me I saw yellow teeth in a very real looking mouth. It threw its hands up in the air and I don't know why when it growled at me. I do not think it was waving at me I think it was pissed that I was there on the road with it.

Like so many other people in rural NC, Knobby needs some dental work.

h/t Hot Air Headlines.

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