Monday, October 12, 2015

Finally a Movie Studio Cracks Down...

...on its lead actor disparaging the film just before its release, and thus hurting profits:

Daniel Craig Told [by Sony Films - - Ed.] To Quit B*tching About Being James Bond."

We see this time and time again, as a major star actor/actress feels it necessary to open his/her piehole and hold forth on whatever angers him/her during the round of interviews that accompanies a film release. Maybe it's Liam Neeson talking gun control, or Emily Blunt regretting taking US citizenship after watching the GOP debates. Just shut up! Pre-release interviews are to talk about how great the movie is, and nothing else. If you have some profundity to get off of your chest, wait a month until your movie is gone from the theaters, and then share it with the world.


Angus McThag said...

Better yet, just have them not speak to the public at all. Ever.

ProudHillbilly said...

+1 Angus.

ProudHillbilly said...

+1 Angus.

ProudHillbilly said...

+1 Angus.

Bob said...

@Angus McThag: that, too, is harmful to profits. Madison Avenue is a monument to the effectiveness of publicity/advertising.