Friday, December 14, 2012

You're All a Bunch of Zoophobes, You Are!

The Love That Dared Not Speak Its Name - - for fear of uproarious laughter:

A Marion County man accused of having sex with a miniature donkey says a state law banning "zoophilia" is unconstitutional.

Assistant public defenders for farmhand Carlos R. Romero, 32, filed a motion asking a judge to have the statute overturned, according to the Ocala Star-Banner.

According to the motion, filed Dec. 6, the law was based on moral objection, that authorities could not prove the animal was injured and that there was no proof "of the sexual activity being non-consensual."

"The statute demeans individuals like Defendant (Romero) by making his private sexual conduct a crime," according to the motion.

Romero was arrested in September and charged with misdemeanor sexual activity after a witness reported seeing him with his pants down and "up against the rear" of a female miniature donkey named Doodle, investigators said.

Remember "Carlos the Jackal?" This ain't him. This is Carlos the Donkey-Fucker.

I'll leave you with this video which many of my newer readers have probably never seen:

If you click the link to the news story, there's a bit of resemblance between the picture of Carlos the Donkey-Fucker and the actor in the "Thanks, Smokey!" video.

h/t This Ain't Hell.

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