Wednesday, June 15, 2011

If I Lean Over Just A Little Bit More...

...I'll fall off the top of the waterfall and drop 80 feet to my death.

And so he did. Despite warning signs that say things like danger of death.

I've been up there. The river disappears over a massive, sloping rock, and you really would like to get a glimpse of the water falling eight stories in a nearly vertical drop. Don't be tempted. The rocks are wet with spray, and a light coating of algae makes the surface so slick that just stepping on to the rock can start you sliding toward the edge.

17 years old. What a waste.


HankH said...

You can't fix stupid...

TOTWTYTR said...

All too often, stupid fixes itself.

But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.

L. Long